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North America Hitch Gathering

909 bytes added, 02:44, 10 June 2010
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- Request competent, understanding, communication-savvy volunteers for ON-site(Denver and Boulder) mediators between Us and Them. Us being- any traveler there for the gathering. Them being- Authority figures, Media, other Groups (church,4-H, political rally, gang-bangers, etc)who may be occupying the same space. In Paris, there was a delegated group to explain to the Police Who we were, Why we were there and generally to smooth things over. Ended up, they didnt mind us assembling, as long as we kept our backpacks piled centrally instead ov spread out the grass and informed us ov NO tents the second morning. Ovcourse, by the 3rd morning, some ov our group did NOT hear that part and when the SAME police arrived that 3rd morning, they were NOT HAPPY!! In Odessa, somehow the authorities already knew. Whether through the radio, TV or somehow, they didn't mind us congregating in the park. It was pretty unsafe to sleep there(my personal testimony), but the days were fine. The Tourist Bureau also offered a FREE guided tour ov the harbor area WITH translation for us. BUT, by the 3rd afternoon, the police told us we had to leave, the park was not cleaned by some volunteers. We tried to keep tidy, but with many people and not enough direction, things tend to fizzle out.
-Meal Time!-What better way to get to know your fellow traveler than over cup ov Joe? Organize with Food Rescue operations already in place in Denver and Boulder to see if they would be interested in lending a helping hand. Having an approximate time(within a couple hours) for breakfast and dinner feedings will take the stress from individuals foraging for themselves. Allowing more time for stories and skillsharing. People can switch off food duties in order to participate in group discussions. Once again,... In Paris, a kind man(who shall remain anonymous) walked around with a hat and people donated what money they could. Then off to the market we went! Upon returning, there was a smorgasbord ov food available to any who wished. In Odessa, dumpster-diving was not possible(im told) and for the majority ov westerners, restaurants/markets were affordable(but ruined any communal feedings).
- your suggestions here!