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No change in size, 10:50, 9 September 2010
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However! Every time you hop your jolly arse into that car please don't expect a treat everytime. Because there WILL be many, many times when you get out of the car as hungry and miserable as you were when you got in. The trick is to be genuine in expecting nothing, because when you expect nothing, the smallest thing you get, even if it's a piece of bread or a cigarette, will make you happy.
As for sleeping when you're not invited back, best bring a nice thick sleeping bag and find yourself a good spot to sleep in. In cities, the best spots are industrial zones (although usually a long distance from the centre), upper class neighbourhoods, and of course train stations! Train stations however will often close in the middle of the night to clear the place out of bums like you. Big stations that stay open all night such as Paris and Berlin will often have security walking about to wake you up. If you're stuck in the city centre with no station or access to an industrial zone/posh neighbourhood, your best bet is to keep walking until you reach a quite quiet area and find a nice alleyway or empty park. Just please never sleep bang on in the city centre in clear light. I did ONCE and out of the 100+ times I slept outside, it was the only time I got robbed. If you really have no dignity you can always go to a homeless shelter, they always provide a bed and usually food. They are everywhere in London and Germany, and quite common elsewhere in the first world.
Remember to keep clean! Even when dirt poor you can easily keep clean. Bring a bar of soap and wash in the toilets. People might be a bit weirded out to see some backpacker standing in the toilets in their underwear at the sinks, scrubbing themselves with soap, but hey you gotta do what you gotta do. I never had a problem with it. Anyways, the amount of times you get invited back for a shower is crazy so you shouldn't REALLY worry about it.
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