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760 bytes added, 05:35, 7 October 2007
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Hitching in Philippines is campared to other south east asian countrie a bit harder. you can make 200/300 km a day, maybe a bit more, depending on the route. near tollgates and ON the NLEX/SLEX (North/South Luzon Expressway) you will probably get trouble with police. otherwise they are friendly, just many checkpoints.
ferries are frustrating though.
the manila MRT/LRT (metro, not to be confused with the urban sprawl "metro manila")
be careful in mindanao, especially zamboanga.
getting a free boat (there is only one regular one: zamboanga to sabah state in malaysia) to indonesia, malaysia......very very hard, malaysia immigration is pretty tough though.
air asia has discount flights to malaysia...but well this is not really the place to mention, eh?

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