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711 bytes added, 06:17, 7 October 2007
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Singapore sucks! for hitchhing at least. as it sucks in any "city".
you ve two border crossings, the expressway at tuas checkpoint in the west and the johor bahru footbridge in the north.
enter in tuas and leave in JB. because on the expway hitchhikers are not allowed so best WALK out of singapore. weirdly enough, i got in trouble because i was in a truck. trucks use the CARGO gate, and you are a PASSENGER. you must not use the CARGO gate.....bureaucracy.....

by boat.
there is one ferry to an indonesian island.
forget about entering the singaporean port, i think the only way are the marinas. get a yacht. there is one marina that lets you also enter without being member right next to tuas checkpoint.

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