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240 bytes added, 22:43, 28 November 2010
no edit summary
* Allow users to edit descriptions
** Log edits/history? Actually would make a nice per place RSS-feed with comments? Or "follow the place"-link for logged in users => a combined RSS feed from these places?
* Clickable usernames around the site
* just for reasons of patting one's own arse: would be cool if one could show the markers they added themselves - and no others.
* Flattr -button
* Minify JS/CSS
** Started doing this, still buggy
=== Low priority===
* click on the number of places in the country = zoom in to this country
**I was gonna do this already before, but didn't figure out how to seperate events "select marker by click" and "select on hover". So it's gonna be either one. Now I prefer to show bubbles. -[[User:Mikael|Mikael]] 00:37, 16 October 2010 (CEST)
= TODO History =

Navigation menu