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462 bytes added, 03:20, 18 April 2013
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'''Jujuy:''' Great landscapes and full colored mountains, you might wait up to 2 hours but you can be sure somebody will pick you up.
Don't bother about Gendarmes and checkpoints, I hitched right next to them. Take the 34. The 52 takes you across to the Chilean border and is great hitching as it is a major truck route and they are very helpful as a rule. Note the border at Paso de Jama for Chile CANNOT be crossed on foot if you want a migration stamp, they insist on you being with a vehicle. Go round to the lorry park and ask one of them to take you as a passenger if you have had the bad luck to be dropped off at the border instead of taken through (see: border crossing).
'''Salta:''' Really easy to hitch here, I got picked up in about 30 minutes. Greener than Jujuy

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