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227 bytes added, 22:53, 5 November 2014
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== [[Czech Republic ]] and [[Slovakia]] ==
There are many types of train in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. This twoo two countries is are very similar about free riding in traintrains.
The local trains (OS) have many stops, distances between stops are usually 3-10 km. This These trains have only few carriages and one conductor. But there are often small amount of people in this type of train. Faster local train is (SP - spesny vlak). This type is similar than to local train (OS) but average distance between stops is about 10 mm. Local trains have many stops and relative short journey ussualy usually less than 100 km. The interval to next train is usually 1 to 2 hour.
The R-trains (and some ex trains) have stop usually once a 10-35 km, about 5-8 carriages and usually twoo two conductors or only one conductor. The interval between trains s 1 or 2 hours but in the most freqvent frequent area (Prague-Olomouc) is the interval between trains 30-60 min.
The long-journey trains EC, IC, Ex (often international trains) have about 7-11 wagons, restaurant wagon and first class wagon .This type of train have large number of passengers and twoo two conductors. The distance between stops is 40-70 km (25-50 km for EX trains) and especially in overcrowded trains conducter conductor check tickets and the time interval to next controll control is long (30-60 min and more). But if you are captured, you will bee challenged to pay penalty or the conducter conductor ask for your ID card. The time to next stop is long and conducter conductor have enough time to write the penalty.
In Czech is the ticket price equal for all trains belongs CD (Ceske drahy). The speed train EX, EC, IC and R have the same price like OS.
You have to buy seat reservation only in SC/Pendolino - I do [[User:PeterOB|PeterOB]] does not recomend recommend it. But some EC/IC trains (Black Leo Express and yellow Regiojet, this trains bellongs belongs private company) have another special tickets ansd and this trains are very difficult. In Slovakia R-trains are little bit more expensiive expensive than OS-trains and EC,IC trains are more expensive (difference is about Eur 2-4). Regiojet have yellow OS train in slovakia Slovakia and this type is OK.
IMPORTRANT. '''Important:''' Do not use the speed long-journey train SC (Pendolino). It is expensive a you have to buy seat reservation. There are small number of passngers passengers and big probablity probability for get penalty. Be carreful careful on the journey between Prague and Ostrava. The most of trains in Czech and Slovakia belongs to state company and trains that belongs CD are OK. But some IC trains (yellow Regiojet and black Leo Express) belongs private compeniescompanies. Problems is that you have to seat reservation and the conducter conductor have all reserved seats in computer and conducter conductor do not ask for tickets. But if you are on the seat and the conducterconductor's computer signalize free seat, but you are on the seat - this is problem. This is reason that you can use short-journey tictet ticket trick or similar tricks. And black IC "Leo Express" is worst - you have to show ticket before boarding.Regiojet have some local trains in Slovakia. In yellow local trains is all OK. You can use the short distance ticket trick (see bellow). Unfortunately many stops and small ammount amount of passengers is reason that travel complete free is very difficult.
IMPORTRANT. '''Important:''' Conducter is in the train always except some local trains. BUT , '''but''' the inspector (revisorreviser) randomly enter in tranistrains, check the tickets (like in public transport), but he check too conductor's work and if the inspector find some person withouth tiketwithout ticket, he can give a penalty for conducterconductor. The inspector check all - passengers, toilets, conducterconductor's work. Some Person travelled from Prag Prague to Ostrava and had ticked only for short distance (to Pardubice). But the ticket ispector inspector came and gave them penalty for every stop (6 stops withouth without ticket = 6 fines), the passenger showed the short distance ticket which end far away. Fortunately, the inspector in train is quite rare, once a 10 000 km. I have [[User:PeterOB|PeterOB]] has travelled more than 70 000 km and meet inspector 5 times and I paid only one penalty. The inspector inspectors do not wear a uniform, conducters conductors usually wear a uniform (blue suit, pink in regioet region and black in Leo express). You can detect conducter conductor relative easily.
Generaly Generally -there are few trick how to travel in train withouth without ticket. I travel in Czech Repubic Republic in trains during years 2009-2014 more than 70 000 km and this contains 50 000 km without ticket. Because my appperance his appearance is not average, I do [[User:PeterOB|PeterOB]] does not travel withouth without ticket complete, but I usually use uses short journey ticket trick. I He paid penalty CZK 400 (USD 20) only once a time (the inspector came) but I must he had to leave the train about 10-15 times and I must had to buy ticket about 15 times (more expensive ticket, difference is CZK 40 CZK about USD 2, in Slovakia about Eur 2). I have He has met a train inspector 5 times.
The very succesful successful method in not complete free but very cheap travel. I use [[User:PeterOB|PeterOB]] used it for more than 70 000 km in last 5 years. For extreme case - I he travelled 346 km and I paid only CZK 26 / EUR 1. Importrant Important is that the conducter conductor check only new passengers in the next controllcontrol, usually ask who is new (Pristoupili?) You buy ticket only to short journey, conducter conductor check you and you do not leave train in stop, where your ticket end, and countinue continue the journey. Conducter Conductor do not renember remember terminal stations on passenger's tickets and look for new passengers. You can look out of window, "sleep" or read a book. If the conducter renember conductor remember your terminak terminal station, you tell that you do not know where is or tell that you asleep. Importrant is that the conducter must come before terminal station, which is written on the ticket. I [[User:PeterOB|PeterOB]] usually look, looks where the conducter conductor is and the direction of inspection and I go goes near him. The optional distance is 10-20 km or 3-5 stops in local train OS (SP is similar), 1-2 stops or 20-40 km in R train and 1-2 stops or 50-80 km in speed long-journey train with restaurant (EX, EI, IC). The long-distance trains with restaurats restaurants have many carriages and twoo two conductors. Because there are many passengers and you do not know the direction of ticket controllcontrol, the situatuon situation is sonmetimes dificultsometimes difficult. If you travel long journey, especially though big city - you can be supprissed surprised with conducters conductors change. New conducter conductor check ticket in all passengers (NOT only new passengers). You must have second ticket from the city where conducters conductors changed to near stop.
The next tactic is for travel complete without ticket. I have [[User:PeterOB|PeterOB]] has told that coducter conductor check only new passenges passengers and he ask, who is new (Pristoupili?) and you are new but do not respond. If the train have a lot of passengers, the conducter conductor do not renember remember who is new (but if your apperance appearance is not ussualusual, there is big chance that conducter conductor ask you for ticket). But many of local trains and sometimes too R-trains have small ammount amount of passengers, especialy especially in the night. In the long-journey trains with restaurant (EX,IC, EC) is this method very succesful successful because there are a lot of carriages and passengers and too long time intervals between ticket inspctioninspection. Problem is starting the yourney journey in first stop or conducter conductor change. All pessengers passengers have to show ticket during first controll control (or new conducterconductor). You can try go around conductor during ticket inspection and stay in area, where tickets have been already checked. You can go into this alreadz already checked area in a stop (get of board an boarding into optional area).In local trains near big city is too a lot of passengers and you can there use another trick. The train with name City Elephant have twoo two floors. If the conducter conductor walk though first floor through carriage, oyu you can go though second floor and get behind the conducter conductor in the zone where tickets were checked. You have to look when conducter conductor is coming into your carriage. You can use similar in one floor long local train with many passengers near big city. Look which part of train is ocuped occupied with conducter conductor and you can get off and boarding into opposite part of train in the stop. For exaple conducter example conductor is near first carriage and you go near last carriage.
If you are captured, you can buy the ticket (for short journey of course) in the train. This ticket is often more expensive (difference is CZK 40 or about USD 2, in Slovakia Eur 2), but if you renember remember the stations withouth without ticket seeling selling - the ticket that you buy in train is for the same price like in station. But if you are captured that you have been hidden and try travel without ticket, you will be kick kicked out of train in the most cases (in OS or R train) or you have to buy the ticket. I recomend [[User:PeterOB|PeterOB]] recommends to look for interval to next train or time of last train before traveling travelling (for example web page - choose trains (Vlaky)). The local trains have often long interval and the last train arrive quite early. The R-trains, EE, EC, IC is usually more often (1 hour) and last train is just during night.
Sometimes, you can get fine (penalty). The fine is CZK 400 or USD 20 (and CZK 1000 or USD 50 if you pay the fine it later than 14 days after you have been captured). You can get the fine especially in the long-distance train with restaurant. In OS or SP and usually R-train you are often only kicked out of the train.
I do [[User:PeterOB|PeterOB]] does not recomend hidden recommend hiding in toilet, it is very wrong tactic in Czech Republic and Slovakia. Conducter have Conductor has to check the toilet (it is rule for a conducterconductor) and conducter conductor have special key to open locked door. If you do not lock the door, the conducter conductor sometimes check toilet too and look into toilet. You can try chooe choose relative invisible position in toilet (and other passengers can open the door and see you). Hidden in the toilet is worst in long-journey trains - conducter conductor usually check toilets there. But it is very bad in all type of train.
You can try walk around the conducter conductor during ticket ispection inspection and go in the area where tckets tickets have been checked. It is much better than stay in the toilet. It is good especially in long-journey EC,IC,EX trains with many carriages and too in local train near city.
== [[France]] ==
autopatrolled, Check users

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