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No change in size, 01:25, 5 December 2015
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[[User:Mipplor|Mipplor]] hitchhiked a train from Luxembourg to Nancy, Lyon, Marseille, Monaco, Nice, and Perpignan in October 2009. Actually 1/3 of his time was spent in the toilet to read newspapers. He was a lucky dog that no single inspector came to trouble him.
France is very big country, more than 1000 km across. But dance floors are very fast (up to 280-320 kph). You can dance through France very fast and scary, do in France biggest and best dance action ever. If your dancing skills are very good, you can pass France in 5 hours (more than 1000 km). In the case that fines do not mind you, it is very easy. You just tell your final destination in case of loos in dance and blue dancer write penalty for you and you vill will continue to your final destination.
France is great country for dancing. [[User:PeterOB|PeterOB]] was dancing in October 2015 from Lion to Mountpeiler Montpelier and from Marseille to StrassbourgStrasbourg. He used TER and TGV dance floors.
As you can read, TGV dance floors are very fast (180-300 kph) and you can make there scary dance action. Distance between stops is about 50-200 km and 20-80 minutes. Conductor (Blue dancer) usually check tickets every 2-3 statiosstations, [[User:PeterOB|PeterOB]] thinks. System of contoll control is unclear. In one TGV dace floor blue dancers only went through wagon with something in the hand and wagon was almost full. It is possible that blue dancers have in small computer list of sweats seats with passengers and free seats. So they can check this quickly. But Peter sat close to restaurant wagon and many passengers was dinningdining. [[User:PeterOB|PeterOB]] was siting sitting in somebody's place probably, and blue dancers looks on free seats and it was OK. In ther the TGV dance floor from Barcelona to Lion was Another another situation. Peter sat in Tourist tourist class and suddenly blue dancers appears – one in one end of wagon and another in opposite side, and they start to check all passengers. [[User:PeterOB|PeterOB]] try to go around blue dancer but e he do do left him dancing zone, so blue dancers met in Peter's place and they asked him for a ticket. He said that he lost ticket. So blue dancers said that they call police (they try to make you scary usually) and Peter gave him identity card. They saw that he is not French and only kicked him out of dance floor (probably without fine). Next TGV was running in three hours s so Peter decide to hithikinghitch-hiking, it is easy in France. As you can read this dance floor is going Barcelona-Lyon and back and hithiking hitch-hiking in Spain do not work. Get into TGV train is easy in France but [[User:PeterOB|PeterOB]] do not know Spanish System system of ticket checking and Spanish dance styles. Some TGV dance floors have two floors, but it is not possible run in another floor around blue dancer because of one part of first floor ends with wall.
TER (and LER) dance floors are easy for dancing there. Distance between stops is about 5-25 km and 5-15 minutes. Speed is about 80-180 kph. There are one or two conductors, but they only give signal for train departure and tell something for passengers. They only rarely check tickets. Peter OB PeterOB used in October 2015 different 7 TER dance floors and he was only one time checked. Blue Dancer women start checking ticket in morning train and he was going to toilet, he did not lock the door and he played shitting. But conductor open WC doors and she close it back. After two stops [[User:PeterOB|PeterOB]] went back to seat and conductor women came again for checking new passengers, she ask for a ticket. PeterOB did not have and she ask for final destination and after several stops she went back and ask for identity card. But she saw that Peter is not French and she let Peter to travel and she gave him advise, which trains go to Peter's final destination. So this women co-dancer was very friendly and Peter did not see another control. LER dance floor is similar and [[User:PeterOB|PeterOB]] do not know difference (Maybe – LER can me small train for small amount of passengers). Peter was dancing in LER only short distance and one time, but conductor did not check tickets. O dancing in LER trains is very easy and some TER trains have long journey and a lot of wagons, for example Paris-Lyon. Some TER dance floors have two floors and you can walk around conductor in another floor to area, where tickets was already checked. Penalty in TER dance floor is Eur 50 + ticket price in distances less than 150 km and Eur 88 + ticket price. Fines in LER is not same. But you can be probably only kicked out of train without fine, or you can try to run away in next stop. If you do not pay immediately, the fine grows to Eur 375 and if you do not communicate or you give wrong address, fine can grow up Eur 3750. But for non-french French black dancers fines probably do not exist and suddenly disappear after short time (two months). In TGV dance floor – blue dancer have a lot of time for writing penalty or call cops. They do not like writing penalty (extra job) and they try to make you scary with police sometimes. [[User:PeterOB|PeterOB]] do not know exact ticket inspection system and if tickets prices in TER and TGV are the same, or if penalty Eur 375 is for all types of train (probably yes). Probably, you have to have seat reservation in some or all TGV dance floors, but not in TER or LER dance floor. And some blue dancers can not speak English so good as many of French people or blue dancers in east countries. Talk in English is not very easy in France.
== [[Germany]] ==
autopatrolled, Check users