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Denver is Colorado's capital and largest city surrounded by many suburbs such as Centennial, Commerce City, Aurora and Westminster. The phrase urban sprawl comes to mind. But as with all big cities hitching just takes some time and patience.
'''==Hitching Out=='''
'''A Note About 1-25:''' I have avoided 1-25 like the plague while trying to leave Denver. I have sought out alternate routes that are indirect but A) more enjoyable scenery and B) I believe of higher likelihood of pick-up. If anyone knows a good spot going out on 1-25 from Denver, please update immediately.
(''Entry Blank'')
'''==Public Transport==''''''
Light rail has various stops from the city center going south. Market St and 16th St has a major bus hub. Good to get you anywhere in the greater Denver area
'''==Places to Visit=='''
Colorado has more breweries per capita than any other state in the US. Take advantage of Denver's bustling night life, surprising music scene, the nearby Rocky Mountains for skiing, rock climbing, trekking and the small towns nestled in them. And keep your eyes peeled for dumpster diving at places like the Naked Juice Distro center.
'''==Places to Avoid=='''
5-Points/East Denver are not happy places and are considered the high crime zones of the city.
Cherry Creek is a land mine of yuppies
'''==Accommodation and Sleep==''' '''''' - Know it and love it and maybe find me.