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AVP Free Encyclopedia

13 bytes added, 03:02, 8 October 2011
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:"Free Encyclopedia" - a special book.
:First, only here can be found all under one cover Russia (and all CIS countries - under another). And secondly - and most importantly - the book answers the many questions of "How much?", "Where?" and "How?". How to get to a city (region), with money, and without? Where to eat? Where to spend the night - not only with full, but also with an empty purse? Where to find fellow human beings? How to get out of the city as a hitchhiker? How to go by rail or passing locomotive, aircraft, the motorboat? How much costs a loaf of bread or a lunch in the cafeteria? We have tried to respond to many of these questions.
:[[Anton Krotov|A. Krotov]], from the preface to 4th "VE" edition
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