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73 bytes added, 00:16, 21 November 2011
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== Public transportation ==
About 99.99% of trams will have a ticket inspector. However for most of the journey they are too busy chatting to the conductor or enjoying the view. Board the tram at the rear and have 12.60 50 euro ready to pay(it is best to have a Dutch chip card since then you pay for a distance and not per ride - and for few stops you will pay between 0.5 - 1 euro instead of 2.50 without it). The inspector (wearing an ugly yellow and black jacket with green, red and purple stripes) will have to walk the length of the entire tram checking tickets before he/she reaches you. Hopefully you have reached the stop by this time, if not just give the inspector the 12.60 50 euro for the ticket as though you were waiting to buy one from them. This is common practice. The Metro is harder to blackride, you'll have to follow somebody going through the gates very closely. Make sure nobody's watching, though.