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301 bytes added, 22:09, 23 February 2012
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== Hitchhiking ==
Hitchhiking in Belarus usually is very good and can be quite enjoyable, even though a small number of older drivers might ask for some money when giving you a ride – to avoid that, tell the driver about your intention to travel for free before you sit into the car (''"Ja puteshestvuju avtostopom, bez deneg"'' [''"u"'' is pronounced as ''"oo"'' in English] – ''"I travel by hitch-hiking, not paying any money"''). Usually, just saying 'no money' works just fine too. It might be more difficult if you are more than 2 persons travelling together – in such case it would be smart to split up for some time.
Russian and Baltic truck drivers are reluctant to stop for hitchhikers in Belarus while Belorussian and Polish trucks are happy to have a company of some traveller(s). Hitchhiking at night is difficult but if you make yourself very visible you can get a ride even at two o'clock in the night (some cars might stop just because the driver thinks you are a police – light reflectors might give such an impression).
'''With [[Lithuania]]:'''
You can walk across this border and it's probably best to do so as the lines of trucks and cars are really long. The border police is actually pretty nice! After you crossed the border to [[Lithuania]] it's only 33 kms to the capital [[Vilnius]].
'''With [[Russia]]:'''