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Asia phrasebook

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# vegetarian = mangsavilat
Bahasa Indonesia (the indonesian language) is quite easy to learn to a basic conversational level. Thanks to the simple grammar, you can quickly start to speak and learn new words. Since there's no declination or conjugation, and pre- and suffixes only play a minor role in spoken indonesian, you can just speak directly out of the dictionary. The language gives a lot of different ways to be vague and to avoid commitment, so it is best to play along with the game rather than trying to get clear answers.
Pronunciation is similar to german, "c" sounds like "tsh", "j" like english "g" in "german". "k" at the end of a word is not pronounced. Words often get shortened in colloquial use, the part that's often left out is put in brackets.
To address people you will mainly use the third person pronouns "(Ba)pak" (male), "(I)bu" (female), and "Ka" (sister/brother, for people who are younger than you). "Anda" means "you" but is normally only used to formally address someone of unknown gender.
# saya (I) - dia (he/she/it) – kami (we, excluding the addressed person) – kita (we, including the addressed person)
# Selamat datang (Welcome) - Selamat pagi(Good morning 7am - 11am) - Selamat siang - (Good midday 11am - 3pm) - Selamat sore (Good afternoon 3pm - 7pm) - Selamat malam (Good evening after dark) - Selamat jalan (Good bye to one leaving) - Selamat tinggal (Good bye to one staying)
# Mau ke mana? (where are you going, literally "want to where?")
# Important: The "Mau ke mana – Game": "mau ke mana" is often used as a second greeting, like "how are you" and no elaborate answer is expected. This can lead to a lot of confusion when hitchhiking since most drivers will ask you this question first. The easiest answer is to point in the direction you want to go and say "sebelah sana" (over there), but you can also answer with for example "mau ke jakarta" (i want to go to jakarta), although it's mostly best to avoid specifying too soon i.e. avoiding telling the driver exactly where you are going while at the same time figuring out where they are going. Other good answers are: "lurus saja" (just straight), "lurus terus" (straight through), "ikut jalan ini saja" (just following this road – literally "follow road this just") or "sedikit lebih jao saja" (just a little bit further – literally "little more far just"). For further explanation, you can say "Mau ganti mobil nanti" (i want to switch vehicle later – literally: "want switch vehicle later).
# ke/di/dari sini/sana (to/at,in/from here/there)
# Asking for a lift: "Mau" (want), "Bisa" (can) or "Boleh" (may) plus "ikut" (to come along) or "nebeng" (hitchhike, javanese slang, not understood throughout all of indonesia) or "numpang gratis" (free lift). If its a pick-up or truck, add "di belakang" to get a lift in the back
# belakang (back, behind), atas (on top, over), di depan (in front, forward)
# pergi (to go, to leave) – kiri sini (left here, means stop here) – turun (descend, step out) – boleh turun di sini? (can i get out here?)
# ya (yes) – tidak/ngga (no) - tidak apa-apa (no problem, everything is fine) – belum (not yet)
# tidak mau (i don't want to) – tidak bisa (impossible/(i) can't) – tidak boleh (not allowed/ you shouldn't)
# (teri)ma kasih (thank you) – terimah kasih banyak (thank you very much) – permisi (excuse me) – permisi, saya mau lanjut (excuse me, i want to continue – to politely leave a conversation)
# silahkan (please, you're welcome)
# baik (ok, alright, good) – bagus (good) –
# ada x (have x)/ tidak ada x [often also "ngga ada" which sounds like "nada"] (don't have x)
# uang (money) – tenda (tent) – peta (map) – makanan (food) – air minum (drinking water) – anak (children) – kerja (a job)
# berapa harganya? (what's the price of this) – mahal (expensive) - bisa kurang? (can i have it for less – lit: "can less?")
# tidak mengerti (don't understand) – tidak tau (don't know)
# begini ("like this", either to say you understood: "ah, begini" or to show something, to say "look, do it like that")
# nama saya x (my name is x) – (saya) dari Jerman, Inggris, Prancis, Spanyol, Italia, Belanda, Yunani, Jepang, Cina, Rusia, Australia, Amerika (I'm from germany/the uk/france/spain/italy/the netherlands/greece/japan/china/russia/australia/america – to say "I am nationality_x" just leave out the "dari" (from) but then you have to use the "saya") – asli (originally) - orang (person) eg: "saya orang jerman" (i am german)
# mau belajar bahasa indonesia (i want to learn indonesian)
# "cari x" (to search for x), "x di mana?" (where is x?), "di mana ada x?" (where can i find x)
# nol (0) – satu (1) – dua (2) – tiga (3) – empat (4) – lima (5) – enam (6) – tujuh (7) – dilapan (8) – sembilan (9) – sepuluh (10) – sebelas (11) – dua belas (12) – tiga belas (13) – dua puluh (20) – seratus (100) – seratus dua puluh satu (121) – dua puluh (200) – seribu (1000) – dua ribu (2000) – sejuta (1 million) – dua juta (2 million) – ratusan (hundreds) – ribuan (thousands) - jutanan (millions)
# jam tiga (three o'clock) – tiga jam (three hours)
# omur berapa (what age?) - jam (hour) – hari (day) – minggu (week) - bulan (month) - tahun (years) – sudah berapa lama di indonesia? (lit: already how much long in indonesia?) - masih mudah (still young)
# tinggal di mana? (where do you live, where do you stay?) - tidur di mana (where do you sleep?) - belum tau (don't know yet) – rumah saya (my house)
# makan (to eat) – minum (to drink)
# binatang (animals) – ikan (fish) – telur (egg) – daging (red meat) – ayam (chicken) – orang vegetaris (vegetarian – quite uncommon word, its mostly easier to specify all the things that you don't eat) – nasi (rice) – roti (bread) – sayur (spinach) – sayur-sayur (vegetables) – lombok (chilly) – pedas (spicy) – jus (juice) – goreng (fried) – gorengan (vegetarian fried snacks) – tahu (tofu) – tahi isi (stuffed tofu) – tempe (tempe) – gula (sugar) – ketjap manis (sweet soy sauce) – sambal (hot sauce) – air (water) – air minum (drinkable water)
# tampa (without) - tidak suka (don't like) - enak (tasty, also comfortable)
# bisa tampa daging atau ayam atau ikan silahkan? (please without meat or fish or chicken) saya makan sayur saja! (I only eat vegetables)
# sakit (sick, pain) – obat (medicine) – apotek (pharmacy) – rumah sakit (hospital) – pencuri (thief)
# mengganggu (to harass) – tidak mengganggu saya (don't harass me, don't annoy me) – pergi! (leave!)
# kamar kecil (toilet) – rumah makan (restaurant) – warung (street kitchen) – pasar (market) – bandara (airport) – pelabuhan (harbour)
# kapan (when) – "kapan ada kapal ke x?" (when is there a ship going to x) – pesawat (plane) – bis (bus) – bemo (local bus) – ojek (scooter taxi)
# selesai (finished, ready, over, done) - tiba (to arrive)
# butuh (to need) - tidak butuh bis/taxi (i don't need a bus/taxi) - tidak butuh tiba hari ini (don't need to arrive today)