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No change in size, 11:18, 20 January 2020
Bus 431
There are several possibilities.
==== Bus 431 461 ====The below information about the toll station at Bubanj Potok is outdated, it was moved several years ago because a huge IKEA was built there instead. The toll station has moved about 10km down the E75 highway to the town of Vrčin. You can follow the same directions to get to the Šumice (шумице) bus stop and from there, take bus 431 461 down the highway and get out after the second stop at 'Vrčin Ivo Lola Ribar (врчин иво лола рибар)'. You will travel a long way down the highway without stopping, don't worry. After you get out, cross over the highway and take the first right turn down the street 'Moše Pijade (моше пијаде)'. Keep following this road next to the highway, after about 1.5km you will see the toll station which you can start hitching from.
==== Bus 31 ====