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8 bytes added, 17:43, 11 January 2009
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There are 2 ways to Sarajevo, one through Čačak, a bit south, the other one more direct but not written on online maps... The one through Čačak worked well for us. Take bus 53 from south of the train station, to the end station. Then just follow the street for one minute, turn right, here is the highway, there s a good spot just after the bridge. It seems that buses 531, 532, 533 go further, but it's not really needed, and they might be regional buses.
 == '''Heading north towards Budapest'''== 
Take the bus number 15, or 78 from the central station untill the last stop. As soon as you get off, you'll notice a huge 2 lines street going down there behind houses, get on this one. Walk for 15 minutes more and make sure you follow right direction - Novi Sad. After 15 minutes walking, and passing a small shop, you'll notice a 90 degreeds turn left, and at that spot, there's an emergency line, which is a perfect spot for hitchhiking. It took me less than 10 minutes to get a life to Novi Sad from there !