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4 bytes added, 19:54, 20 October 2010
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===East towards [[Osmaniye]],[[Gaziantep]],[[Urfa]],[[Antakya]]===
Very easy here, the major west-east highway passes through the north of the city. Any way you go, you will probably hitch from here. [[User:Harveypekar|harveypekar]]'s favorite spot is the onramp on-ramp on the west bank of the river. To get their, start walking from where the highway enters a tunnel (sorta hard to spot). From there, walk East on the South side of the highway. It's a desolate street, with a fence on the left, and some commerce on the right (cheap internet cafe, "beyoglu" bar). Continue. When you see the road go down on the left with a pedestrian bridge, don't take it yet (it's an offrampoff-ramp. Instead, continue a bit on the right. After some minutes, you will see a shortcut (next to 'eczane', pharmacy) where you can see cars driving right to left. Take this alley and you're on the onrampon-ramp. Hitch while walking to the highway, you can get most of your rides this way. On the highway, you can stay at the end of onramp on-ramp lane, no cars ever make it that far and you're safe from the trucks. Make sure you hold a sign, a lot of truck drivers go really far here, and they won't stop if they're not a hundred percent sure you're going the same way (unless you're a woman!). Police is no problem for hitching on the highway, they will actually cheer for you.
==Hitching In==
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