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Belarusian number plates end with a number of the department the car is registered in. For example, cars from Minsk end with number 7. See Wikipedia articles on [ Belarussian vehicle registration plates].
== Registration ==
When travelling on a 'private' visa to Belarus, you have to register in a 'милиция' (militia) - office in Minsk when staying longer than 5 working days in the country. You get a private visa when someone invites you to stay with them in Belarus, e.g. friends, couchsurfers or other acquantainces.
When entering Belarus, you will get a so-called 'Migration-card'. It is a little piece of paper which is very important if you want to stay out of trouble. Visit a militia-office with this card, and be sure to take your '''and your host's passport''' with you (your host does not have to be there in person but it could be a lot easier as the people in the office speak hardly any english). They will require you to fill out a form and to make a payment twice(!), but it is not much. The total amount you'll have to pay will (most probably) be less than 5 Euro.
After you've done all this, someone working in the office will stamp your migration card. You need a migration card that is stamped and show it to the border police to be able to leave the country so '''be sure to have this card ''and have it stamped'', too'''. If you did not do it, you and your host can get in serious trouble.
== Customs and Borders ==