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Joined 24 December 2011
Revision as of 11:44, 15 October 2012 by Fedecicco (talk | contribs)
Hitchhiking in northern greece, panel says in greek: Why not?


About me

My name is Federico. Fede, Cicco or Cicca for friends (as my surname is somehow related with these words). I was born in Milan in 1989. As in Italy hitchhiking culture is not anymore that strong (people don't hitch cause they think it doesn't work, it's dangerous and so on), I started hitch very late. Took bachelor degree in Middle Eastern languages in Venice, my dream was traveling the world by land as cheap as possible. On November 2011, I started the travel, with almost 20-30 km (random when buses were not available) on my counter I tried first serious hitchin in sothern france, worked amazingly and never stopped..

Hitchhiking Statistic

Till now (October 2012), I hitchhiked for 11 months, through 11 countries:

Europe -> France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Greece

Africa -> Morocco

Asia -> Turkey, Georgia

Longest ride: Spain, from petrol station "Andamur", somewhere between Cordoba and Madrid till La Jonquera, biggest truck area in Europe, border France and Spain. with the greatest truckdriver ever, about 1000-1500km in 14-15h stopping to sleep

Longest wait: Portugal 6 hrs in an almost desert petrol station 20 km south of Lisboa trying to go to Evora

Most hitched country: Morocco almost 3500km in 2 months (feb - march 2012)

Country spent more time hitchin: Italy almost 3 months (apr-june 2012)

Best/easiest country hitched: France, never waited more than 15 min!


I'm continuing my trip around the world, created a blog about it where you can have a more complete idea about me and the travel more than see last updated pictures and map.
