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Paimpont is a very small city in Brittany (France).

It is very hitchable, although very small, but you will find people willing to help you reach your next destination quite easily. Paimpont is a lot centered around the local and arthurian legends. Be careful not to diresrespect those. If you are interested, you could just settle in a bar and start taking with everyone, you are sure to learn some very interesting local facts, legends and tales. Also the people could tell you about places you did not know about.

The older people will likely not speak very good English, but they will be happy to try to tell you some things even through the language barrier. The younger people usually speak a little English but usually with a very strong French accent so you will have to try to understand it. Good luck!

Accommodation and Sleep

There are many youth hostels in the area. If you want to use your tent, do not stay near Paimpont as there are gamekeepers in the surrouding forest and they will call the police on you if they see you.

Other useful info