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Revision as of 02:23, 1 December 2008 by Sigurdas (talk | contribs)
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Last petrol station?

I heard from another hitch hiker that the two Aral petrol stations are the last chance to get fuel before crossing into the Czech Republic. Is this true? Just before the E55/17. Just wondering.

"Blackriding" section

I deleted couple of nonsense- or questionable statements including There is not much ticket control in Dresden and all of the Ticket controllers usually are... descriptions since from what I experienced as living in Dresden for quite a while it was totally the opposite or not true in many ways. --Sigurdas 01:33, 29 November 2008 (UTC)

First of all, thanks for the cleanup. Looks like I really need to work on my writing style ;)
Regarding the 'not much', I agree that there are frequent checks from 9am to 1pm, but in my experience very few checks in the late afternoon and almost none in the night.
Why did you remove the "Ticket controlers are..." stuff? If you try to blackride by stamping your ticket right before a ticket control, it's crucial to have an idea whether incoming passengers might be ticket controlers. In which way did "your" ticket controlers differ from my description?
Last post was mine and I also forgot to sign it Atopia 23:40, 30 November 2008 (UTC)
I remember checks in the evenings. That's why I don't want to comfort people by giving them an advice that states there are basically no checks after 1pm. It's wrong.
I removed Ticket control personal is... (see original version here) because:
* not too old / too young - not true: once I saw a 18-20 years controller guy, and once or twice - ladies in their 50ties.
* not too well-dressed - as far as I remember, you never know how the controller can be dressed in this city: once I saw a neatly dressed guy, in techno style (friend of mine calls it robot-style ;)), and to my surprise, the guy was a ticket controller.
Basically, it comes to the point that it is really hard to predict who is a controller, and pick him/them out of the entering people. I guess even someone living in the city for a long time, someone who has a trained eye for that, would make a mistake by not recognizing a controller, too, once in a while.
And finally, I would not recommend to make this Hitchwiki full of tips of how to go by public transport illegally - of course, we can probably write about experiences of other hitchhikers who try to save money on everything and everywhere, but I think it is wrong to so openly encourage people to do illegal things, however ideologically acceptable they might sound. IMHO. --Sigurdas 00:23, 1 December 2008 (UTC)