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Lat 61.498023, Lon 23.764859

Near Tampere in Finland. 31.5.2009
Paldiski, Estonia - 06/2007

Terve! (hello in finnish) My name is Mikael Korpela - I'm a hitchhiker from Tampere, Finland. I'm also a graphic designer and web-developer. I'm behind the finnish edition of Hitchwiki and done quite a lot for hitchwiki -project also.


I've traveled & hitchhiked mostly in Finland, but I've hitchhiked also in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine and Spain. Only travelled but not HH'ed: Germany, Sweden and Japan.


Anything you want to know about Finland, maybe you are coming to hichhike here? Contact me

I can speak english and finnish.


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